Zanif Sandy

A Software Engineering Student who has a passion for Music, Electronics and Digital Systems

I am currently a Sophmore Computer Science Student at CUNY Medgar Evers College, NY. I am a software developer, Content creator and a self-learned Sound designer who has a passion for learning. This website was developed to be used as a resume and portfolio for my independent projects alongside my formal education in Computer Science. My goals are to design efficient useful programs that can be used to make life more enjoyable and easier. I have knowledge of C, C++, Python, and Javascript. I also have experience designing sounds using Native Instruments MASSIVE, and Ableton Live, as well as building websites using HTML, CSS, Javascript and some PHP. Additionally, I enjoy photography and listen or creating music. I have created this site to share my interests and connect with other people.


CS244 - Object-oriented programming

object-oriented approach to software development used in large-scale programming projects. A software engineering methodology, such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML), will be used for object, dynamic, and functional modeling.


CS241 - Discrete Structures

elements of discrete mathematics systems pertinent to the field of computer science, i.e., from the formulation of problems, to the understanding of their underlying structure, to the comparative analysis of the complexity of algorithms that can be used to solve these problems. Through computer programming examples, exercises and case studies, the following mathematical concepts are applied to computer science: sets and binary relations, functions, first-order logic, proof techniques, algebraic systems, vectors and matrices, and finite state machines, applications of graph theory to computer science and combinational computing are also introduced.


CS151 - Introduction to programming

introduces the fundamental concepts of the discipline of computing, emphasizing elementary facts concerning computer architecture, programming languages, software methodology, and algorithms. Students learn how to solve problems using an appropriate block-structure high-level programming language. Programming topics include: basic data structures, control structures, data and procedure abstractions, functions and function parameters, recursion, and pointers.



Google CSSI

Repository with course material and solutions for goodle CSSI program 2017 Final Project - HTML,CSS,JavaScript,Python, Google AppEngine Profile - HTML,CSS Python workshoop JSFiddle - JavaScript Final Project is a Food Search Application name Welp, Where User input Type food and Request returns Google Maps API of restaurants in area. Progaram gets.userlocation from device Browser using Javascript and Sends Latitude and Longnitude to Python Server. Server responds result.html with map and Zamato frontend Api.



Displays an MPC in Browser with pre-assigned audio[assets] uses onclick() div family to return audio format in browser [.wav] Small display screen on MPC module Volume change function Pitch bend function Audio Assignment prompt Json or Widjet pull [spotify, soundcloud] MPC and toolset Design